New beginnings. The Full STOP list.
Eons ago, I hit the wall. I made a list of all my responsibilities: professional life, private life, family life, social life, philanthropic life, intimate life, mothering life, running the house life, investments life, pension planning life, reading list life, entertainment life, organising others life, keeping fit life, sorting stuff out life, friendships life...
I realised I was juggling so many "lives"—showing up, performing, and catering to each one. Then came the epiphany: Wait, I’ve designed my life to serve everything except actually living it. After a good laugh at my over-engagement tendencies—and a self-compassionate cry—I created my first Full STOP List. Today, it’s a favourite tool among the many leaders I coach.
The Recipe:
Start with this question: What do I want to stop attending to—right here, right now? What am I doing that no longer serves me?
When I made my list, it had 83 items. Some took up to three years to fully strike off, but I persevered.Then, I asked myself: How did I get caught in this jungle of ‘busyness’?
I reflected on the habitual ways of being and the patterns of thinking that kept me stuck—agreeing, offering, overcompensating, compromising, and even entertaining things I no longer wanted to tolerate.
The process wasn’t easy, but it was transformational.
My list revealed seven self-transgressions—half of them hilariously ego-serving, while others brought painful realisations of my shadow leading me, rather than me leading it. I embraced each one, got to know them deeply, and learned to witness their evolution. By staying present to their impact on me and those around me, their hold over my personality gradually dissolved.
So, question 3: What self-transgressions are you ready to free yourself from?
For the fourth step I asked myself a pivotal question: Does my current "Team Ania" support the old version of me… or the new version emerging in the world? My inquiry became: Who will cross this threshold with me? And what support or role models do I need to invite in to cement this evolving iteration of myself?
Is your life's team on the journey with you—expanding you, evolving you?
For me, this process led to nine sweaty, immediate conversations and a global search for new tribes. Over time, I found communities I could grow with and truly belong to.
While still a work in progress, this journey unlocked a new level of the game of life—both professionally and personally. I’ve gained a deeper sense of freedom, lightness, and balance. I’m profoundly grateful for the opportunity and deeply cherish it.
What are you celebrating yourself for as we step into a new year? And what’s on your Full STOP List for 2025—the habits, commitments, or patterns you’re ready to release to make space for growth?
I’m cheering you on as you evolve, master yourself, and step into the next level of your journey. If you find yourself stuck along the way, remember: you don’t have to do it alone. I’m here to help, coach, and accompany you.
Let’s make 2025 a year of transformation!
#SelfMastery #LeadershipCoaching #CelebrateYourWins #YearOfGrowth