Celebrating Clients
I celebrate all my clients for their courage in meeting themselves fully through our connection. Enjoy a few examples and know that I’m always cheering you on!
CEO leading the largest ($13bn) European e-commerce IPO—delivering investor success, holding onto business continuity without the burnout. Incited deep self-awareness, understanding and insight to drive timely succession for himself when mission was accomplished.
Expanding a Founder-CEO’s resilience through an agonising Series A funding rounds in a biotech start-up. Going beyond giving up and back again, celebrating $19M in the bank and establishing a scale up roadmap in uncharted cell therapy field.
Shifting the mindset of a female Latino leader from expert-achiever to a wise marketing force in the dynamic MENA FMCG sector (NYSE 100). Shedding the imposter and ‘good girl’ syndrome, driving personal individuation. Realising a 15% revenue increase alongside steering her team through the Israel-Palestine war.
Leader enjoys unexpected promotion after truly hearing 360 feedback for first time in 20 years. Faced the need to let go of control, micro-managing and fear of failure-based beliefs. A year later, having turned round his communication and delegation skills he is leading a $1.5bn US sales (NYSE 250) organisation.
Realigning Board level leadership capabilities meant expanding business strategy at individual and group level for the Board of Architectural Practice. Shifting stuck beliefs from relative success in the past led to planning big and executing bigger and the first dividend sharing year ever.
By relinquishing self-sufficiency and control-freakiness, this CEO coached his exec team to self-organise for success. With freed up capacity he untangled standoffish family patterns and through reconnecting with the founders’ energy and vision created a lasting legacy for the multigenerational board of a Kenyan conglomerate.